Case Study: SEO for Resort Chain in Ontario

July 6, 2023 By Maggie McTavish
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Client Overview

Our client, a resort chain with nine locations across Ontario, recently embarked on a digital transformation journey by launching a new online reservation system. However, to fully leverage their digital presence, they understood the necessity of having a strong Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. With the goal of enhancing online visibility and increasing bookings, they sought Mango Media's expertise in SEO services.

The Challenge

The initial challenge was to ensure that the new reservation website quickly and efficiently secured a strong digital presence. This was to be achieved by ensuring a high search engine ranking for relevant keywords, thereby drawing in more online bookings.

Keyword Position Changes Ontario Resort Chain

Our Solution

To tackle this challenge, we adopted a collaborative approach, working closely with the client's web development team throughout the design process. Our focus was to ensure that the website was SEO optimized from inception, incorporating strategically crafted, engaging content that would rank highly in Google search results.

Ontario Cottages for Rent Content Creation

This process involved meticulous SEO copywriting and a comprehensive understanding of the relevant keyword landscape.

The Outcome

Our proactive integration of SEO practices from the early design stage paved the way for rapid success post-launch. The approach bore fruit within just four weeks, with the resort website ranking for 399 keywords, 11% of which secured a spot on Google's first page. This significant early success indicated the efficiency of our strategy, underpinning the website's capacity for ongoing success.

Organic Search Positions Ontario Resort Chain-1

By the beginning of July, two months post-launch, the website's ranking had escalated further. It now ranks for 631 keywords on Google, with 14% of these achieving the coveted first-page ranking.

organic search traffic ontario resort chain
This increased visibility has translated into a significant uptick in online reservations, demonstrating the value of our integrated approach to SEO and web-building services.


Our collaborative, proactive, and strategically aligned approach to SEO and web development can rapidly secure and enhance your digital presence, driving increased online engagement and conversions. Whether launching a new website or looking to bolster the performance of an existing one, our expert team is equipped to deliver measurable results that drive business success.

Maggie McTavish

Maggie McTavish is a leader in the digital marketing field in Canada. She has been on the cutting edge of technology over the past decade when every business started to need an online presence. Maggie thrives in the digital space, and wants to help her customers increase their brand awareness and sales in the most efficient and cost friendly way possible.